Schools & Tutorials
Material presented at international accelerator schools and tutorial lectures
CERN Accelerator School "High Power Hadron Machines"
Bilbao, Spain, May 24-June 2 2011
Lecture by Paolo Pierini:
- Fundamental of Cryogenics (9 MB) (course 2 page handouts, 3 MB)
Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders
Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, October 19-29 2008
Lecture by Carlo Pagani:
INFN School on Electron Accelerators
INFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy, September 12-14 2007
Lectures by Carlo Pagani:
Lecture 1a: ILC Concepts / Schematic (5.9 MB)
- Lecture 1b: Beam Acceleration Cavity Field and Concepts (1.6 MB)
- Lecture 4a: Superconducting RF Concepts (3.7 MB)
- Lecture 4b: High Gradient SRF Cavities, Tuners, Couplers and HOMs (5.6 MB)
- Lecture 7a: Cryomodule Design & Cryogenics (9.4 MB)
- Lecture 7b: RF Power Sources and Distribution (2 MB)
4th IP-EUROTRANS Internal Training Course ITC4
Particle Accelerator Technology
Mol, Belgium, May 2007
Mini Workshop on SCRF Cavities
RRCAT, Indore, India, January 2007
Lectures by Carlo Pagani and Paolo Pierini:
- SCRF Technology Toward ILC (14.3 MB)
- Designing the ILC Cryomodule as a Global Integrated Effort (6.4 MB)
International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders
Sokendai, Japan, May 2006
Lecture by Carlo Pagani:
Engineering Challenges for Future Accelerators
Inter University Accelerator Center & Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Delhi, India, March 2006
Lecture by Carlo Pagani:
2005 International Workshop-Summer School
on physics, detector and accelerator at the linear collider
Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University, Bejing, China, July 2005
Lectures by Carlo Pagani:
12th International Workshop on RF Superconductivity
Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, July 2005
Tutorial lecture by Carlo Pagani:
Frédéric Joliot-Otto Hahn Summer School in Reactor Physics
Nuclear Waste Trasmutation and Related Innovative Technologies
Cadarache, France, August 2002
Lectures on High Power Accelerators by Carlo Pagani and Alex Mueller:
Lecture 3: Circular Accelerators (5.7 MB)