Superconducting RF accelerator group at LASA
The home of the Content Managment System documenting our work.
This site hosts information on our group activities, which are based on the Superconducting RadioFrequency (SRF) technology for charged particle acceleration.
Our group has been a member of the TESLA Collaboration since its starting phases, and contributed to the success of the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) in DESY Hamburg, mainly through the procurement of performing cryomodules, high efficiency Cs2Te photocathodes for the electron gun, and the cold mass positioning diagnostics.
The group routinely delivers to DESY the electron gun photocathodes needed to operate the TTF VUV Free Electron Laser.
Following the ITRP decision of basing the International Linear Collider (ILC) design on the cold (superconducting) technology, our focus has recently shifted to supporting the undergoing Global Design Effort (GDE) for the ILC.
As members of the EC-funded CARE Program, we are designing and fabricating prototypes coaxial tuners for superconducting cavities, which will be capable of slow and fast, piezo based, tuning actions.
A parallel activity of our group is aimed at the design of High Power Proton Accelerators (HPPA) based on the implementation of the bulk niobium technology for elliptical cavities for medium velocity proton acceleration.
We participate to several HPPA worldwide programs for various applications, ranging from nuclear waste transmutation to neutrino factories.
We have designed, built and successfully tested prototype cavities for intermediate energy proton beams (in the range from 100 to 200 MeV).